Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hi, my name is Erin and I love cake!

So, I made this awesome (if I do say so myself) cake for my hubby today! - Last weekend we were too busy rearranging furniture and cleaning out closets, etc. So, I ran out of time. I could have been a little more perfectionist about this cake, but for how little time it actually took me to make, I shouldn't complain too much about the final result. I kinda love it. I don't care anything about comic book characters, but I think it's neat. The Flash symbol is made out of chocolate (maybe one day I'll show ya how I do that, but I never think about taking pictures of the process) and the frosting is buttercream. The yummy cake inside is actually a doctored up boxed yellow cake. Trust me, it's good. mmm

Yep, I'm cool. Aren't you glad you know me, dear readers? ;-)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Counting down...

Well, we're a few days into February and I'm sure all five of my readers are dying to know how my weight loss resolution is going. Sitting on the edge of your seat, I'm sure. So far I've had three weigh-ins and I've lost 6.5 pounds. Could be better (in my opinion) could be worse. I really do like the new Weight Watchers Pointsplus program. It's much better, in the terms of I don't feel like I want to eat everything in sight all the time. I feel much less deprived and much more satisfied. So, there's that. But it is sloooow going. sigh. I'm trying to just keep myself motivated. Recognize that 6.5 pounds in three weeks is something to be proud of. Right?!?

So, here's my before picture... sigh

The exercise thing... well, that's a different story. How does one exercise in the winter when I have no desire to do a workout video in my living room, I refuse to spend the money (like I even have the financial flexibility to do that!) to join a gym and it's TOO cold and icy/snowing outside even think about going for a walk (what? I'm a wuss). So, I'm just hoping that the exercise I get when I start back to work on Monday will suffice for the time being. At least until March when Spring is in sight!

Speaking of Monday... I go back to work... WAHHHHH!!!! I don't want to talk about it. Let's talk about it next week, okay? Maybe I'll be better by then. I just had to tell you that if I go off the deep end... there's a good cause.

For now... I'll give you one more tid-bit about my life... one that's a bit more positive and lighter... I'm making a FLASH birthday cake for my hubby this weekend! I CAN'T WAIT!