Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day after photo shoot!

So, I realized when I was going through our Halloween pictures from last night that I didn't have a single one of just Caroline that was good.  (Side note... I just typed Carl when I was trying to type Caroline and it made me laugh out loud because that was Andrew's long standing joke that if we had a boy instead of a girl we could still use the letters for the nursery wall and call the baby "Carl".  hehe)  ANYWAY... as I was saying, we needed a photo shoot with my girl in her costume, so that those who were unable to be with us on that frightfulisous (umm..what?) candy-eating night, could really get the full effect of Caroline's buzzy bumble-bee cuteness!  :-)  
So... here you go!  Enjoy!  She's definitely the cutest bee I've ever seen.  

Oh... one more thing... Speaking of bees...  Have you seen "The Secret Life of Bees"?

No?  Oh my gosh!  YOU HAVE TO SEE IT!  I went last weekend. (a two hour movie by myself, first of all... Heaven!) But seriously when it's a good movie, it makes it even better!  I laughed, I cried and I felt completely satisfied at the end of the movie.  It was awesome!  I highly recommend it! But just so you know, it's a total chick flick.  Go with your mom or your sister or your girlfriends.  I have a feeling seeing it with a guy might ruin it.  :-) Just a heads up!  

Today... I think we're going to start our Christmas shopping!  Have a great weekend!


Mary said...

Caroline is absolutley the CUTEST bumble bee ever - The very last photo of her is my favorite! Is there some sort of Halloween costume photo contest you can enter that in?! Bee-autiful (: (I couldn't resist.)
Oh and thank you so much for your prayers last week about my Caroline's nap-drama... Things are good now I moved her nap back to between 12:30/1:00 and we're redoing the backyard (we have 2 dogs who constantly dig it up) to allow for more getting wiggles out on the swingset before naptime, so her bed doesn't turn into a swingset at naptime - haha... Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for thinking of me and empathizing. God is so good and "His grace is more than sufficient" - Thank the Lord!
Okay, sorry about leaving the longest comment in the history of the world! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Agree my grand-baby is the cutest bee in all of Virginia... no, the Eastern United States... no, the entire country... or is that the continent of North America! Can you tell I'm a tad bid bias:)

Movie Review: I too went with Patty to see the Bee movie and I got exactly what I paid for... a "B" movie. Mom and the woman sitting beside her were crying and I was like, "what.. are we watching the same movie?" Yeah, leave the husband, boyfriend, or any other living creature with testosterone at home for this flick.

Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

I think she's the cutest bee in the whole world! Her big blue eyes kill me everytime!
