1. My students are making me insane! With 90 degree weather, they think it's June and it's SO not!
2. I miss my kid. She rocks my socks off and she's just getting more awesome by the day. I can't stand how much I'm missing and I want to savor every single moment I get with her!
3. I need a vacation. We have nothing really planned, other than our trip to see family in Texas in August, which I'm super excited about! Also, there is still a possible Wyoming trip at the end of June for just me and Andrew, but nothing is set in stone yet! Oh how we need that time away just the two of us. It would definitely do us some good.
4. I desperately want to go to the pool. I love our neighborhood pools, especially on weekdays in the summer, because they are usually empty, except for the lifeguard. Bliss!
5. I can't wait to sleep in! I'm used to getting up at 6am every day, but it will be so nice to put Caroline to bed later and sleep in until at least 8:00! (You know you're old when sleeping in is 8:00!)
6. More trips to see the parents! I need a few good long weekends in Roanoke. We haven't been there since Christmas! That's TOO long!
7. My mom, Aunt Donna, and Erika's trip up here in July to see The Color Purple! YAY!
8. Plenty of time to read. I have SO many books I want to read and I can hardly stand how little time I have to devote to them.
9. Going to DC to have lunch with the hubby. Caroline is bigger now, so it will be even more fun! She loves going to see Daddy at work!
10. Getting a paycheck for doing whatever I want! That's definitely the best part about my job! haha Okay okay... I shouldn't say that... I love my students, but summer vacation is nothing to complain about!